Good training courses.
Good opportunities.
Through education into work.

Vocational qualification with AB Ausbildungswerk
für berufliche Bildung GmbH.

About us

AB-Bildung Ausbildungswerk für berufliche Bildung GmbH is an AZAV-approved training provider for vocational education and training.
The aim of the vocational qualifications is to offer measures tailored to the needs of the labor market and the individual participants and then to integrate the participants into the labor market after successful participation.


AB-Bildung Ausbildungswerk für berufliche Bildung GmbH is your competent partner for the implementation of state-subsidized qualification measures.


Our training program covers a wide range of topics, but focuses in particular on security-specific seminars.


AB-Bildung Ausbildungswerk für berufliche Bildung GmbH has been recognized and certified as a provider of vocational education and training in accordance with AZAV since 2011.

Our current courses

Start your career in the security and service industry now

Certified security guard acc. §34a GewO

After passing the exam, you can work in the security service.
E.g. as:

Security & service staff in public transport incl. Examination of expertise acc. §34a GewO

After passing the exam, you can work in the security service.
E.g. as:

Security & service staff
in public transport

After passing the exam, you can work in the security service.
E.g. as:

Boost your career!
With our courses
for vocational training.

Achieve new qualifications now and create new
career prospects.

Our training rooms

Partners & References